2019 Bookish Goals
I went in to 2018 without any real concrete goals or plans of what I wanted to do so I am trying to step up my game this year. I’m trying to be cautious since I have health issues and I don’t want to overload myself and then wind up disappointed if I don’t meet them.
First up is my Goodreads challenge. Last year I had my goal set to 52 books and I wound up reading 65. This year I set my goal to 75 just to see if I could do it. Math wise, this means I need to read 6-7 books a month. Last year, I read 10-12 books most months, so I feel like this is doable. Using the library more really upped the number of books I read since I had a hard deadline of when to read them by, so I’m hopeful that if I keep checking out books at my current rate I’ll smash that goal.
Next up is the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge. I try to do this every year to varying levels of success. I try to diversify my reading as much as I can but there are always a few categories that either I don’t pick up often or things that I don’t prioritize in my reading. On this year’s challenge I’m particularly interested in the Non-Violent True Crime challenge. I can’t remember the last True Crime book I read, let alone one that was non-violent. I think Radium Girls was about as close as I got but that’s not really true crime. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!
The last goal I have is related to Classics. I love Classics, I always have, but in the last few years, I haven’t had the mental bandwidth to read them. My school reading lists were never very… robust, so I feel like there are a lot of classics that people read in school that I never did and some that were my favorites that I’ve never re-read and I’d like to see if/how my opinions have changed. In order to get me back into this, my goal is two classics a month. One more historical classic and one modern classic. This is probably my most ambitious goal, but one I’m really excited to try.
So that’s it for me (for now anyone, things may get added!). Do you have any bookish goals? If so, what are they? I’m always curious if people make goals related to hobbies or if it’s just my obsessive love of spreadsheets and To Do lists.